Wycombe Multicultural Community Organisation (WMCO) is a community charity that represents and will be the HUB of the interests of approximately 9,600 people from African Caribbean heritage backgrounds in High Wycombe and the surrounding area.

As a community organisation and a facility provider we can offer several different activities and services at the Hilltop Community Centre which benefit the community.

Youth Support

  • Akacia Complementary Saturday school caters for the extra-curricular needs of African Caribbean children aged 5-16 years.
  • Education catchup revision courses for Year 11 children about to take their GCSE exams and preparing the Year 10 children one year before their exams.
  • WMCO will work with our local partners to provide Community Mentoring projects to promote social cohesion by connecting young people with a diverse range of passionate volunteers from the community.
  • WMCO is actively setting up a regular youth club for those under 16

Community Funding

WMCO will actively seek and apply for funding that would benefit the community which emphasis on our youth and their education, general health and well-being and the support of our senior citizens.

Leisure activities (Arts, Craft and Music)

We have a dedicated Leisure Officer who is responsible for the ongoing leisure time activities for the Organisation and the community. They plan and develop fundraising activities and events and work with other organisations to share views and develop working relationships such as joint ventures.

Members Support

We have a dedicated Social Welfare Officer who actively keeps in contact with members that may fall ill, suffer from a family bereavement or we have not had contact for some time.

People / Skills Development Officer

We have a dedicated and qualified People Skills Development Officer that can advise on Human Resources working issues and help individuals enhance and development the skills needed for the industry and roles they want to pursue.

Organise Annual Community Events / Celebrations

We organise annual celebrations for the community which includes Black History month celebrations, St Vincent Independence Day, the annual Boxing Day dance, the annual community BBQ as well as one-time celebrations like the Queens Jubilee.

Senior Citizens Support

WMCO is actively setting up a regular senior citizens get together where they can meet up reminisce, eat and drink together.

Social Media Communication

WMCO will regularly update our social media (i.e. facebook and Instagram) with content that informs and benefits the community in a variety of areas such as:

  1. Graduate schemes that want applications from the African Caribbean graduates
  2. Current affairs and topics
  3. Recent community deaths and funeral dates
  4. Social & fund raising events

Provide services to the local community

Education and training

  • Akacia Supplementary Saturday School
  • Specialist tutoring, e.g. GCSE revision courses
  • Training and support for people with special needs
  • Advice and support for people who need help developing the employability skills

Social and leisure activities

  • Through our Hilltop community centre we provide spaces for various sports, social and leisure activities, e.g.
    • Sports clubs
    • Private social functions such as weddings, birthdays and christenings
    • Dominoes club and other social get-togethers
    • Cultural events
    • Baby and toddler groups
    • Hosting of community events and celebrations
  • Welfare services
    • Access to health clinics and health programmes
    • Senior citizens support group
    • Hardship support
  • Community Hub
    • A physical community hub for the local African Caribbean community
    • Through the website and social media become the advertising and communications hub for the community
  • Forthcoming Initiatives
    • Mentoring. WMCO will work with our local partners to provide Community Mentoring projects to promote social cohesion by connecting young people with a diverse range of passionate volunteers from the community.
    • WMCO is actively setting up a youth club for those under 16
    • We have a dedicated and qualified People Skills Development Officer that can advise on Human Resources working issues and help individuals enhance and development the skills needed for the industry and roles they want to pursue.

Raise funds for the benefit of the local community

WMCO actively seeks and applies for funding that would benefit the community, with an emphasis on young people and their education, general health, well-being and support of our senior citizens, and cultural enrichment.

Our fundraising

We refurbished the Hilltop Community Centre with generous grants from the following organisations:

Biffa Award / Wycombe District Council
Veolia Environment Trust
Mobbs Memorial Trust
Community events & donations
Bernard Sunley
Heart of Bucks Kop Hill Climb Fund

Heart of Bucks BP Collins Fund
John Apthorp Charity
Heart of Bucks
Red Kite Community Housing
Locality / LHC
Rothchild Foundations

What Happens Once You’re a Member

Membership is an essential source of funding for the Organisation that enables the day-to-day running of the centre, maintenance of the building, as well as to support members of the wider community.

Join Us

Below you will find our most recent annual report, as well as an archive of reports from previous years.  The reports give an overview of how we have raised income and how we spent our money over the year.

Annual Financial Reports